Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) Information
HCG is a hormone that is naturally produced by the female placenta during a normal pregnancy. This medicine’s action is highly similar to luteinizing hormone (LH), because this hormone is known to be able to cause ovulation. If it is combined with other medicines and drugs, Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) is highly effective in helping female patients become pregnant. This drug can also help males patients that are suffering from fertility issues (a treatment with this medicine usually enables such cases to produce a higher amount of testosterone).
Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) Indications
Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) is a popular medicine that helps both male and female patients deal with infertility. However, this medicine can also be used for some other purposes (to treat or to prevent some other medical conditions) that have not been listed here.
Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) Intake guidelines
Ask your physician how and when to take this medicine. You should not disobey any of your physician’s indications. You can also consult the drug’s label for further instructions. If you have any other questions, you should refer to a doctor, a pharmacist or a nurse. Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) should be stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature that is between 2°-8°C.
Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) Overdose
This medicine’s acute toxicity is very low. The average symptoms of an overdose with Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) are not known in the case of human patients.
Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) Missed Dose
Ask your personal physician what to do in case you miss one of your prescribed doses of Eutrig (High Purity Hcg).
Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) Side effects
A prolonged treatment with this medicine is known to trigger several reactions at the injection site (like pain, bruising, redness, itching and swelling). Some patients who had been treated with Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) have experienced some allergic reactions to this medicine that were manifesting as rash, pain or swelling at the injection site. Eutrig (High Purity Hcg)’s rare side effects are known to include fever or rash.
Eutrig (High Purity Hcg) Drug Reactions
You should ask your personal physician if it is safe to start taking other medicines while being treated with Eutrig (High Purity Hcg).
Eutrig-High Purity Hcg
Reviewed by Ovidac 10000 iu
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